Privacy Policy

Updated: 9 July 2018

We collect data about your visit when you use or sign up to services. 

This data is used for the following purposes:

  • To respond to you when signing up to our newsletter

  • To respond to you contacting including when providing written feedback

  • To better understand how you use this website, or how you use versions of the pages we have created to improve the information we provide to you

  • To understand where, when and from what type of device you access this site, to allow us to better optimise the presentation of our information.

Most of the data stored about your usage of is completely anonymised, and hence cannot be provided to you.  On request, can provide an account of any personally identifiable information you have submitted to this website. 

Links to other pages links to other websites.

This privacy policy, and any other other policy or statements on this website only apply to may use data from multiple sources to better understand and serve its users. This may include data from websites you have previously visited.

While only links to websites we believe are useful, this linked content may change, or cease to be relevant over time. Hence, does not take responsibility for any harm, confusion, damage, anxiety or misinformation provided by pages which links to or has previously linked to.

More detail

This is summary of our privacy policy designed to give you an overview of key details. For more detail, please see our detailed privacy policy.